§ 28-129. Purpose.
§ 28-130. Establishment of historic preservation commission.
§ 28-131. Composition of commission; nomination of members; terms of office; removal; vacancies; officers; rules; reimbursement of expenses; personnel; annual report; meetings.
§ 28-132. Status of commission as nonprofit agency exempt from taxation.
§ 28-133. Powers and duties of commission.
§ 28-134. Designation of historic properties and historic districts by municipality on recommendation of commission; criteria.
§ 28-135. Public hearing on proposed recommendation; notification of property owners.
§ 28-136. Written notice of designation of historic property or district.
§ 28-137. Certificate of appropriateness prerequisite to changes in historic property or district; submission and consideration of application for certificate; rules, regulations and standards; expedited procedure; records.
§ 28-138. Appeal of denial to circuit court.
§ 28-139. Issuance of certificate; factors considered; reasons for rejection; application for reconsideration; effect of rejection on issuance of building permit.
§ 28-140. Institution of court proceedings to prevent violations and recover damages.
§ 28-141. Applicability of article to highways, bridges, etc.; applicability of federal provisions.
§§ 28-142—28-191. Reserved.